In The Park (A Thank You From Kevin Robinson)

To All,
I am sending out this note to say thanks to all who participatedand/or attended our first outdoor event of this summer. It would be impossible for me to personally thank each and every one of you, althoughI would much prefer that.
It is important to me that you know how much I truly appreciate every single person who made or brought a dish, contributed however muchmoney, came and added to the atmosphere with a smile, or lifted a fingerto help out. I often get asked why we put together these events. The answer, for me, will never change. They are meant for the sole purpose of providing an atmosphere where good people and their children can come and just enjoy themselves without fear of any negativity or concern for their safety. A place where one can eat, drink, play, socialize, and show and receive love that is not based on what a person has, how much they make, what they drive, or anything else that isn't all that important in the grand scheme of things.
I am aware through my closer circle of friends how many peopleoffer to help out and contribute and we are truly grateful. But please understand we are just as grateful to those who didn't get a chance to bring anything. It is my hope that the atmosphere remains positive and giving from our end. For those of you who wonder what I personally get out of doing these events, it is not all that complicated. I truly get my greatest joy from being able to make someone else's day better and putting asmile on their face. If we can lighten the load of those we touch foreven just a minute, then it is my belief that we have done well.

Thank You All, Kevin Robinson

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Enjoyed Myself

I always have a good time when i'm in the park with good people, good food, and even good or bad weather things just fall into place and everyone has a good time.

Kevin Noble AKA Blackfusion